At Fast Trak we combine cardio and strength training along with nutrional guidance and monthly body fat and body measurements to help you lose weight and stay in shape. No diet can give you the confidence and tools for success that a personal trainer can. Our easy to learn hydraulic fitness equipment is designed to suit everyone and adjusts to each individual's body type and strength. We'll design a safe exercise routine that works specifically for you. Personal training gets results!
Lisa competed in the Olympic Trials of 1976 and was an All American in Track & Field. She has worked in sports and all areas of fitness and exercise, totalling more than 30 years of experience.
"As a personal trainer my job is to educate, motivate, and help people reach their personal fitness goals. My training sessions are designed to help you get the most out of your workout, whether your are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced fitness participant. Whether your goal is to lose weight, tone-up muscle, or improve overall fitness, I can build an individualized program just for you. Individuals who work with a certified trainer have greater success attaining their exercise goals, whatever they may be." - Lisa
Fast Trak offers several training options to suit
each individual's particular needs and budget.
Please call us for a personalized estimate.